Force redirection on the login page in Magento

Many times when you want all the website or some part of your Magento store to only be visible to customers who are logged in on the website. May be you are developing the store for the wholesale user and there may only approved wholesale users should be able

Display Login form on Home Page In Magento

Suppose you want to display the Magento Login form on the Home page of your website. Confused! how to do it because bydefault Magento picks static page as the home page. Do not worry here in this post I am trying to describe how we can do it. It

Load Product By SKU In Magento

Suppose you want to load products by using the SKU, it is very simple and you can get it by using the code below. There are many ways to do it, in this post I have given the code which works for me in most of the cases.

Adding / Including Short Description to the View Cart page In Magento

Suppose you have added a product into the cart and you want to see the details of the added products into the cart but by default in Magento Cart it includes only product thumbnail and the product name, as per the screenshot given below.

Remove The Sort By “Position” Options In Magento

In Magento By default there are 3 Sort by Options Position, Name and Price, if you want to remove the Sort by Position options from the dropdown here in this post I am trying to describe how we can remove the Sort by Position options in Magento. I

How to change the price range in layered navigation in Magento?

Magento layered navigation is the great functionality and you can include any product attributes through the admin and the price range is the default layered functionality which is already included by the Magento. But it has own price range but in this post I am trying to describe how

How to create the XML sitemap in Magento?

A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site, typically

Remove index.php From URL In Magento

Magento provides very good url rewrite method, some times we wants to remove the index.php from the url Suppose your url is and you wanted to remove index.php from this then here is the solution.