Edit / Remove Callout section from left / right sidebar in Magento

In Magento, by default there are two callout section in Left and Right side. For the reason there are advertisement shown in both sidebar means in left as well as in the right sidebar. If we are working on our own theme them it is necessary to Edit/Remove the

Disable / Remove Secret Key from Admin URL In Magento

In Magento Admin new secret key is generated every time you login. It is a unique key 32 Characters long for each session of your Magento admin login. This key is appended to the admin URL as http://test_admin/key/78c1c0a77f2336c0b2dec9ac934af968/ this is only for the security reason.

Custom theming / Cusotm Template Integration in Magento

Magento provides very good User interface which is compatible to all the browser, If you do not want to use the default Magento template and want to integrate custom HTML page in it. For custom theming in Magento follow the steps given below:

Remove Or Rename “Add New” Button From Admin Grid In Magento

Suppose you are developing a custom Magento Extension and you don't want to show or you want to Rename "Add New" button in the Grid. The Add New button is presented in top right corner of Grid Page.

Install Sample Data In Magento

If you are thinking about to start working on the Magento then think about the Sample data provided by the Magento,because if you will Install the Magento it will provide you only the blank template and there will be no any Category and products Remember that, Sample Data must

BTREE error when importing Magento MySQL database

BTREE error is the most common error of the Magento while importing the MySQL database, once I was moving the database from my local server to the live server through the phpMyAdmin, I was getting errors along the lines of : You have an error in your SQL syntax;

Get Current Url Of The Page In Magento

If you want to get the current URL of the page in Magento, there are a lot of solutions. I have given below the easiest and tested method here

Admin Login Problem After Fresh Magento Installation

First time When I was start working on the Magento, I have installed Magento on my local system and installation process has been completed successfully. I faced one very strange problem after fresh installation, I can not logged in Admin section. After searching in Magento community, finally I found