PHP array_​change_​key_​case Function

array_​change_​key_​case () is an another PHP prebuilt / default array function, This function is basically allows user to do the array keys lower or uppercase. It will rturn null and will Throw E_WARNING if array is not an array.

array_​change_​key_​case () is an another PHP prebuilt / default array function, This function is basically allows user to do the array keys lower or uppercase. It will rturn null and will Throw E_WARNING if array is not an array.

Syntax of array_​change_​key_​case () :

array_change_key_case(array, case)

array (required) : It is the array for which we need to change the case.
case (optional) : this needs to be passed like CASE_UPPER or CASE_LOWER, if not pass any ‘case’ it will return CASE_LOWER.

Example 1 :

	$salary = array("MonI" =>"10000", "SoNu"=>"15000", "PrAkHar"=>"45000");

Output will be :

Array ( [MONI] => 10000 [SONU] => 15000 [PRAKHAR] => 45000 )

Example 2 :

// PHP code to describe array_change_key_case()
function change_case($array_value){
    return(array_change_key_case($array_value, CASE_LOWER));
$array_change = array("RoHIT" => 45, "RaHuL" => 30, "SaRITA" => 29, "RaKUL" => 55, "KaNAV" => 10);

Output will be :

Array ( [rohit] => 45 [rahul] => 30 [sarita] => 29 [rakul] => 55 [kanav] => 10 )

In the previous post I described regarding the PHP array_​pop Function

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