Suppose you want to create the new customer via using the Code in Magento, its very easy and you can create the customer from the steps given below:
$siteId = Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getId(); $store = Mage::app()->getStore(); $customer_data = Mage::getModel("customer/customer"); $customer_data ->setWebsiteId($siteId) ->setStore($store) ->setGroupId(2) ->setPrefix('Sir') ->setFirstname('EWA') ->setMiddleName('2') ->setLastname('Developer') ->setSuffix('II') ->setEmail('') ->setPassword('amdin@123'); try{ $customer_data->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { Zend_Debug::dump($e->getMessage()); }
By using the above code you can successfully create the user and if you want to assign the address to this customer just follow the step given below:
$address_data = Mage::getModel("customer/address"); $address_data ->setCustomerId($customer_data->getId()) ->setFirstname($customer_data->getFirstname()) ->setMiddleName($customer_data->getMiddlename()) ->setLastname($customer_data->getLastname()) //->setRegionId('1') //state/province, only needed country is USA ->setPostcode('90001') ->setCity('Alaska') ->setTelephone('032845785') ->setFax('032845785') ->setCompany('EWA') ->setStreet('Chakresia') ->setIsDefaultBilling('1') ->setIsDefaultShipping('1') ->setSaveInAddressBook('1'); try{ $address_data->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { Zend_Debug::dump($e->getMessage()); }
Now the customer with the address, so now this customer is ready for the order.
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