In this post I am going to describe the Actual product price and the Special product price. Before doing this it is very important to know what is the actual and special products price?. The actual price is the real price assigned to the product and special price is the price after any discount is applied to the product. You can better understand it through the code given below:
Loading the Product
<?php $productId = 102; $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); ?>
Get and display the Actual Product Price
<?php echo $actualPrice = $product->getPrice(); //without currency symbol ?>
with currency sign
<?php $formattedActualPrice = Mage::helper('core')->currency($product->getPrice(),true,false); ?>
Get Special Price without currency sign
<?php $specialPrice = $product->getFinalPrice(); ?>
with currency sign
<?php $formattedSpecialPrice = Mage::helper('core')->currency($product->getFinalPrice(),true,false); ?>
Hope it helps. Thanks.