You can create the Shopping Cart Price Rules and Catalog Price Rules from the Magento admin just by navigating to the Promotions > Shopping Cart Price Rules and Click on the Add New Rule Button on the Top Right, Basically there is 3 parts of the Shopping Cart Price Rules, Rule Information, Condition and Actions.
Here is the code below to create the Shopping Cart Price Rules,
Here I am using the sku of the product ‘ewaprodnew’ and the amount is 10.
Just create a php file in the Mageto root and run this website by using the browser or you can run it from the SSH as well.
<?php // Let's include mage.php file require_once 'app/Mage.php'; umask(0); // Initialize the magento Mage::app('default'); $name = "Customer Discount"; // Shopping Cart Price Rule Name $discount_amount = 10; // Fixed amount $sku = 'ewaprodnew'; // product sku $uniqueId = Mage::helper('core')->getRandomString(16); $ShoppingCartPriceRules = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule'); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setName($name); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setDescription('Auto Generated'); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setFromDate(date('Y-m-d')); //Using the current date in the form of Y-m-d $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setCouponType(2); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setCouponCode($uniqueId); //Generating uniqe and random coupon code $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setUsesPerCoupon(1); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setUsesPerCustomer(1); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setCustomerGroupIds(array(0,1,2,3)); //Creating coupon for all the group you can change as per your requirement. $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setIsActive(1); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setStopRulesProcessing(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setIsRss(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setIsAdvanced(1); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setProductIds(''); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setSortOrder(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setSimpleAction('by_fixed'); // Coupon Code by fixed amount $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setDiscountAmount($discount_amount); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setDiscountQty(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setDiscountStep(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setSimpleFreeShipping(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setApplyToShipping(0); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setWebsiteIds('1'); //Website Id I am using 1 you can change as per your requirement $conditions[1] = array( 'type' => 'salesrule/rule_condition_combine', 'aggregator' => 'all', 'value' => "1", 'new_child' => '' ); $conditions['1--1'] = array ( 'type' => 'salesrule/rule_condition_product_found', 'value' => 1, 'aggregator' => 'all', 'new_child' => '', ); $conditions['1--1--1'] = array ( 'type' => 'salesrule/rule_condition_product', 'attribute' => 'sku', 'operator' => '==', 'value' => $sku, ); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->setData('conditions',$conditions); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->loadPost($ShoppingCartPriceRules->getData()); $ShoppingCartPriceRules->save(); ?>
I hope it helps, Thanks and enjoy the Magento Coding.